1     The Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) represents over 17,000 heads, principals, deputies, vice-principals, assistant heads, business managers and other senior staff of maintained and independent schools and colleges throughout the UK. ASCL Cymru represents school leaders in more than 90 per cent of the secondary schools in Wales.

2     The Association has limited access to evidence on some of the matters this inquiry is requesting, and will focus its submission on the basis of the elements that refer specifically to education.

3     We have been impressed with the Good Practice Guide: A Whole Education Approach to Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence in Wales.  It is clearly laid out and contains good, relevant information and examples of good practice.

4     The Good Practice Guide has been welcomed in schools, and used as a basis for developing existing practice to reflect the needs and extending the understanding of young people.

5     In many schools it has resulted in a significant change of attitude amongst young people; however in other schools, the development of a whole-school approach to challenging violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence has been slower.  We feel there is a need for these matters to be raised on a regular basis to keep them at the forefront of schools’ priorities, and would welcome updates to be sent to schools, either in the form of a revised document, or new information/examples of best practice highlighted through the Dysg Newsletter.



Tim Pratt

Director - ASCL Cymru

15th September 2016